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Från skärgårds- till oceansegling


Videobloggar (Vlog) blir allt mer vanliga och kan när de är bra verkligen förmedla både lösningar och upplevelser på ett oöverträffat sätt. Med drönare och bättre men enklare utrustning och redigeringsprogram så har möjligheten att göra riktigt proffsiga Vlog ökar. De populäraste Vlog har över en halv miljon följare (prenumeranter) och många över 50 000. En del av dem har nästan kult status med trogna följare.

Men bara för man har många följare behöver det inte betyda att just den Vlog fyller ditt behov. En del har precis startat och har inte fått så många följare ännu och att vara populär är inte detsamma som att alla gillar det även om filmerna oftast är riktigt proffsigt gjorda. Att bli kändis, även om det handlar om vblog, har sina för- och nackdelar. Många finansierar också sina seglingar med “patreons”, följare som bidrar med pengar, och reklam. Det smyger sig in då och då vilket gör att man får ta rekommendationer med en nypa salt.

Det finns Vlog med allt från stora segelbåtar med ägare som inte är ekonomiskt begränsade till lågbudget-seglare med små båtar som talar om hur de överlever med en minimalistiskt livsstil. På typen av båtar märks det att katamaraner blir allt populärare som långfärds/bobåtar. Gemensamt för de för de flesta som har en vblog om sina seglingar är att de sålt allt från lantlivet och flyttat ombord mer eller mindre permanent för att de ville byta livsstil. Sen finns det också instrukionsfilmer om hur man gör det själv, ofta från ett varv eller person som jobbar med att bygga båtar och båtreparationer. Sen har en del båttidningar en vblog med tester och upplevelser.

De över 160 utvalda Vlogs i listan nedan står i bokstavsordning med de namnen de har på sin kanal på Youtube. Kortpresentationen i parantes efter namnet är oftast en summering av vad de själva skrivit, ibland har jag lagt till något. För att lättare hitta de populäraste Vlog har jag med fet text skrivit antal följare sist i presentationen.

Vet du om någon som är sevärd och som inte finns på lista, kontakta mig så adderar jag den. Listan är uppdaterad 2021-04-06.

Vlogs med mer än 50 000 följare är listade nedanför i fallande ordning med antal följare (prenumeranter) som redovisas med siffror inom parantes (utförligare presentation av kanalen finns i listan nedanför) Uppdaterad 2021-04-06:

På sidan Sailing Channels finns många av Vlogs samlade under dess sida som egentligen har sina huvudsida på Youtube vars länkar finns i listan nedanför. Det finns också en sida på Facebook där olika Vlogs på YouTube publicerar nya videos.

Några videobloggar

  • 22 South (Sailing & Filming the Adventure, 4 010 följare)
  • 59 North Sailing (Svenska Mia och Andy seglar en Swan 49, Isbjörn. Andy gör också en podcast, On the wind, som är riktigt bra med intervjuer av seglare. 7 820 följare)
  • Abandon Comfort (We’re Ryan, Kelsey & Roo – Two Americans and an Aussie who believe in consuming less and adventuring more. Hallberg Rassy 35. 83 900 följare)
  • Accidental Sailor Girl (Kourtney Patterson började segla mer av en tillfällighet som ledde till att hon flyttade ombord. 8 960 följare).
  • Acorn To Arabella (We are building a 38’ sailboat from stump to ship, once complete she will take us around the world. We hope to inspire and educate as many people as possible along the way. 157 000 följare)
  • Adventure Adrift (Hillary and Ty started with no sailing experience, approached cruising from a practical perspective to learn, and then set sail. Selling everything and living aboard our 36-foot boat. 27 000 följare)
  • Adventures of an old Seadog (Gritty down to earth videos of sailing singlehanded across the globe. Showing the bad as well as the good, the heart aches and the triumphs of one mans’ quest to live his dream. 87 700 följare)
  • Adventures of Sprout (Sprout is a 44ft Kelly Peterson, built in Taiwan in 1978 we are taking her on her third trip around around the globe. In early 2016 we have upgraded her and lived aboard for 18 months and we are now cruising full time. 4 690 följare)
  • Adventure of Tarka (Without any sailing experience, and on a small budget, I quit my job to sail a tiny 27-foot sailboat named Tarka around the world. 34 900 följare)
  • American Sailing Association (Instruktionsfilmer baserade på ASA:s metoder med videos med tips och råd. 12 300 följare)
  • Andries Bik (Sailing around the world in my aluminum Seahorse. Hoping to bring you travel, adventure and smiles trough my blogs and video’s. 2 090 följare)
  • Another Adventure (Videos from Solo Sailor Girl, a women sailing solo in mainly Caribbean and often helping others boats in trouble. 26 000 följare)
  • Arne Mårtensson (The channel shows in 21 movies “Yaghans” entire circumnavigation 2006-2009 via Antarctica, the Chilean Channels, South Pacific, New Zealand, Australia, South Africa and the Caribbean. “Yaghan” is a Hallberg-Rassy 62 and she was sailed by a couple – Arne and Helene. 1 190 följare)
  • Barefoot Sail & Dive (Davy and Erica purchased a e Catalina 36 to sail down to the Bahamas and then eventually around the world. 17 700 följare)
  • Beau and Brandy (We have been living aboard our sailboat, Saoirse, for two years, constructing her to be our home. All to prepare us to get on the water and learn how to sail. Please subscribe to follow our journey as we live a life of freedom. 38 000 följare)
  • Big Easy Sailing (Welcome to our YouTube channel, Big Easy Sailing. We hope you enjoy our video documentary of becoming liveaboard world cruisers on our 1972 Gulfstar 36. 6 510 följare)
  • Blown away (Natalie, Ian and Nelson living on board for sixteen years, we travel and work our way around the globe with our boxer dog Nelson, he’s a TRUE sea dog having never lived in a house, currently we are in the mediterranean sea exploring Europe. 271 följare
  • (We’ll bring you video tours of the latest power and sail boat launches that debut at boat shows around the world, ‘how-to’ videos covering boats and engine maintenance, seamanship and reviews of gear and parts. 37 600 följare)
  • Boatworks today (Repairing boats for a living is what I do. Fiberglass, gelcoat, paint and woodworking are my specialties. I keep it simple and straight forward, explaining the how’s and why’s things are done the way they are done,  166 000 följare)
  • Building SY Mistress ( I have built a Van De Stadt, 40ft steel sailing yacht and am in the process of fitting her out. 11 100 följare)
  • Calico Skies Sailing (Two dreamers traveling the world on our 36ft sailboat We don’t always know where we’re going but we’re always going! 18,000 miles in 2 years NYC to Caribbean to Europe and now back in the Caribbean Here’s 2 enjoying the ride & a life uncommon. 9 080 följare)
  • Captain John’s skipper tips (Captain John’s 25+ years of experience as a pro seamanship and navigation instructor will help you learn the cruising skills you need beyond sailing school. 19 400 följare)
  • Captain Rick Moore (We invite you to share our journey with moments captured as they are experienced. Verkar samla andras videor också.  (140 000 följare)
  • Carl and Jenny Sailing Adventure (We sold up almost everything we owned and bought our live aboard yacht, a Bavaria 47 named “DREAM”. Let us make the mistakes so you don’t have to. 5 240 följare)
  • Catamaran Impi ( A couple who gave it all up to be free of ‘day to day expectations and routines’ we as people grow up to believe is a ‘normal lifestyle. 19 200 följare)
  • Cat Greatcircle (Marijke and Mark, in yet another phase enjoying our new Lagoon 52S catamaran Greatcircle. 18 900 följare)
  • Chase the Story (An American-British couple sailing around the world in a 44’ catamaran Cheeky Monkey. 34 500 följare)
  • Chasing Bubbles (The true story of “the worst sailor to ever sail around the world.” En sevärd dokumentärfilm med lite extramaterial, ingen blogg egentligen. 10 600 följare)
  • Choose Your Boat (Choose Your Boat is the best way to search, discover and take tours of many models online in order to find the right boat or yacht! 28 600 följare)
  • Christian Williams (Videos span from his sailing experience from childhood, through early multihull Bermuda races to singlehanded voyages to Hawaii in his 70s. Currently sails a 1984 Ericson 38. 49 700 följare)
  • Classic Yacht TV (e bring you interesting stories on the design of wooden boats and yachts, boat building, classic yacht racing, cruising, lifestyle and characters.)
  • Cruising Lealea (On a Albin Vega. Our goal is to challenge ourselves and our vessel and by so doing learn and grow; to share our experiences and the lessons learned through our videos. 13 700 följare).
  • Cruising Off Duty ( We are Craig and Janice. We love travelling and we love sailing, so we figure the best way to see the world is by sailboat. We presently have a 35′ Beneteau Oceanis sloop.  When we retire in a few years, we will sell everything and buy a 40-50′ Catamaran and circumnavigate the globe. 33 900 följare)
  • Cruising World (Information on Sailing, Chartering, and Sailboat Reviews. Also, check out Sailing Videos and Sailing Regattas from Cruising World magazine. 3 330 följare)
  • Distance Shores TV (The Distant Shores sailing adventure travel TV series follows the global sailing adventures of award-winning travel documentary filmmakers and sailing authors, Paul and Sheryl Shard. En del instruktionsfilmer också. 88 300 följare).
  • DrakeParagon (We are Drake and Monique cruising aboard our Westsail 42 sailboat and home Paragon. 35 400 följare)
  • Expedition Drenched (Join us as we sail, travel, and dive our way around the world! We’re two professional scuba divers from Hawaii on a journey around the world. 122 000 följare)
  • Emily & Clark’s adventure (We are Clark and Emily, living small and intentionally together (currently aboard our 50-year-old sailboat, S/V Temptress, which we fix and maintain ourselves). 35 700 följare)
  • Erik Aanderaa (I make videos about my single handed sailingtrips in another way than most other sail-vloggers do. You will NOT find beaches, partying, talking about sailing(but no sail) foodmaking or snorklediving in my vids. My content is all about me beeing offshore at sea challenging myself in the elements- every time. 140 000 följare)
  • Expedition Drenched ( Join us as we sail, travel, and dive our way around the world! We’re two professional scuba divers from Hawaii on a journey around the world with a mission to share our love of all things aquatic. 122 000 följare)
  • Expedition Evans (We’re going to sail the world. But first we have to fix our newly purchased, salvaged 2008 Beneteau 49. 82 200 följare)
  • Finding Avalon (Ett par från Australien som åker till Kroatien och köper en båt för att segla runt jorden, ganska nystartad. 30 000 följare)
  • Finding Simon (Canadian nomad travelling full time with my dog Champ. First with a van but now bought a boat, Old dog – a catamaran, to fix and live a sustainable life on a small budget. 32 200 följare)
  • Free Range Sailing (The sailing channel for people who love self-sufficient travel and adventure. Join Troy and Pascale as they cruise remote Australia in their tiny home, a 30′ yacht named Mirrool. 105 000 följare)
  • Fun on Holiday sailing (Zach and Lindy quit their jobs, sold most of their stuff, and moved onto their sailboat permanently for cruising. Follow along with us as we travel around on our Tartan 37 sailboat Holiday. 2 350 följare)
  • Geoff Waller (World on water sailing news)  A global boating TV channel covering all types of sailing and powerboat activities. 26 200 följare)
  • Gone with the Wynns (Jason and Nikki Wynn, a couple of travelers, Sailors, RV’ers and documentarians. We have an irrefutable desire to search, explore, discover, grow, learn and of course share, Bland annat instruktionsvideos. 418 000 följare)
  • (I create videos to share the highs and headaches of our journey and help people who want to cruise realize that dream by seeing how truly challenging, rewarding and fulfilling a cruising lifestyle can be. 27 400 följare)
  • How to Sail Oceans (Video blog with ocean sailing adventures offering information, tips, and advice for those dreaming of sailing wide blue waters themselves. 21 200 följare)
  • Hilma Sailing (Ett svenskt par som seglar runt jorden med en Jeanneau Sun Odessey 45 och befinner sig just nu i Söderhavet, 28 800 följare)
  • HuubvanderMark Vlogs (I’m taking you with me on my journey – I travel around the world by BOAT or VAN. Har en rese Vlog men en del seglingsbitar, bl a en “How to”-serie (sail around the world cheap) 113 000 följare)
  • JamestownTV (The video channel of Jamestown Distributors! Subscribe to us for how-to information, product demonstrations and manufacturer videos! 30 500 följare)
  • Jessica and Ryan Adventures (We are a young couple that love to travel and explore. We just bought a catamaran to sail the world in! 50 000 följare)
  • Josh Post (Sailing around in my 1985 Beneteau First 38. I left the Navy to become a sailor. I plan to document my sailing adventures and life’s journey with frequent vlogs. 59 700 följare)
  • Kauana Sailing Expedition (We are a couple from Brazil who went out to venture on a journey sailing about the world. 9 810 följare)
  • KeepTurningLeft (A sail around Britain in a small boat. 15 900 följare)
  • Knots Viking (A young family of 3: Chris, Steffi and Leo who left Stockholm in Sweden June 2017. This is our story on how we sail our 37ft Najad 37. Nu tillbaka I Sverige. 5 490 följare)
  • Lady K sailing (Join us on Lady K Sailing as we adventure our way to untying to dock lines and pointing our boat south to the great blue beyond. Our goal is to travel and share the great places and people of this world with you while avoiding consumerism, living minimalist, and giving back in every way we can. 25 800 följare)
  • La Vida Vela (We are Noemi & Josep, we live in love with the sea, and now we know that the sea is our place. We are two souls that already belong to the sea and we sail through the Mediterranean, following our dream, 137 000 följare)
  • Lazy Gecko Sailing & Adventures (Meet Jeremiah, Brittany and our kids! We’re a family that sold everything that we own, bought a sailboat, moved aboard and are now traveling full-time. 124 000 följare)
  • Learning the Lines (This is a channel for sailors and/or people thinking about becoming sailors to be able to watch and learn as we go from knowing very little about sailing and owning a boat to world cruisers. 86 800 följare)
  • Life in a nutshell (An Adventurer and an Artist decide to leave the tropical islands of North Queensland, Australia behind to explore the world slowly. 13 100 följare)
  • Life is Like Sailing (Living Aboard, Cruising and Racing my 1982 C&C 34 on Canada’s West Coast. 22 800 följare)
  • Life On The Mold (A decision to build a 40 foot Catamaran should not be taken lightly. Join Ross Boardman in a series of videos that shows the ups and downs, logistics and blood sweat, swearing and tears involved in the building of a fibreglass composite catamaran. 18 600 följare)
  • Linda Lindenau Sailing (As one of very few women, I have skippered a boat around the globe with paying crew. 250 women, and some men, have participated on different legs. Since 10 years, I run a sailing school for women in Sweden and elsewhere. 1 450 följare
  • Living Hakuna (we built an off-grid camper to visit the best kite spots in North America by land and now we’ve decided to go all-in by living aboard a sailing catamaran so we can travel in the comforts of our home where ever the wind blows. 32 600 följare)
  • Luckyfish Gets Away (We are Stew and Zaya sailing a catamaran that didn’t cost the earth. We crossed the Atlantic from South Africa to Florida. We are now cruising the Caribbean before crossing the Pacific. 22 900 följare)
  • (Boat motor and inboard engine videos. 1 390 följare)
  • Mats Grimsaeth (In 2015 I packed my sailboat with no knowledge and all my belongings, sailed from my hometown Larvik. With course for Northern Norway and a dream of having a floating home and photo office along the coastline. 376 följare)
  • Memorable sailing (Sailing the World, .Creating videos of our journey, adventure, projects and opening our minds to different cultures, helping and learning from different people around the world. Join us aboard our 2001 catamaran Catana 43 as we sail the world and make long lasting memories.
  • MJ Sailing (A couple in mid 30’s that for 6 years created videos of the ups, the downs, triumphs and trials. They sail a custom aluminum 37′ Trisalu. 147 000 följare)
  • Monday Never (We are Will and Cat – a young couple who moved on to a rickety old boat, CS 36 Merlin, to sail around the Caribbean. 34 300 följare).
  • Mother Ship Adrift Family Travel and Sailing Blogs (We’re an ordinary family who have saved over many years to live the dream of travelling the world with our kids. We sold our belongings, closed our small business and rented the house to buy the best boat we could – a 20 year old Amel yacht. 13 200 följare)
  • Mount Ocean (The Crew of MountOcean, a 30 meter schooner, is sailing the high seas and exploring our planet and we’d love to take you along for the journey. 2 110 följare)
  • My classic boat (The Channel where owners and skippers talk about and sail their classic boats on camera. 24 400 följare)
  • Nautical Dream (Living a life of adventure, escaping monotony, obtaining a greater world view, fully appreciating all of life’s charms….THIS is our Nautical Dream & it all takes place aboard our floating home- a 1991 Morgan 44. 5 190 följare)
  • Nick O’Kelly (This channel is mainly about sailing and cruising aboard our Leopard 46 catamaran, Clarity. I am a meteorologist, so we will be talking a bit about that as it relates to sailing and my other passion, which is aviation. 68 800 följare)
  • Nu drar vi (Vi har köpt en katamaran, en Lagoon 380, med vilken vi ska ge oss ut på långsegling. Planen är att korsa Atlanten hösten 2021 och nå Karibien. Om corona tillåter ska vi avsegla den 1 maj. Startpunkten är Sardinien. 646 följare)
  • Ocean Around (en Vagabond 31 på väg runt jorden men det blev Västindien och tillbaka. Nu hemma. 21 000 följare)
  • Ocean Navigator magazine (Ocean Navigator Magazine Video is a channel for all those who are cruising or dream of cruising to far off locations. Even if you never leave your harbor our videos will help you become a better mariner and provide inspiration for your dreams. 3 410 följare)
  • Odd Life Crafting (Ett ungt par från Brasilien som köpt en stålbåt som stått på land i 22 år och renoverar den. De har också byggt ett containerhus tidigare. 226 000 följare)
  • Off The Starboard Hull (A Canadian couple sailing around the world in their Catamaran untying the lines in August of 2016. 7 000 följare)
  • Onboard Lifestyle (Documenting our refit of our 1993 custom 435 catamaran SV Basik. 8 year refit is coming to an end and we will take her to more adventures. 49 300 följare)
  • Out Chasing Stars (Meet Amy and David. We’re a couple of modern day adventurers who sold everything, bought a boat and are sailing around the world. Since Starry Horizons, our Helia 44 catamaran, was launched in October of 2014, we’ve sailed almost 25,000 nautical miles and covered half the globe. 21 500 följare)
  • Pandorac (Singlehanded sailing from Hoorn (The Netherlands) to Tórshavn (Føroyar) aboard Pandorak II, a HR 31 Monsun from 1977, runt 6 760 följare)
  • Patrick Childress Sailing (Circumnavigator Patrick Childress presents DIY Projects, Tips, and Tricks for Repairing and Upgrading your Cruising Sailboat. 44 800 följare)
  • Patric Laine (Sailing single-handed on a Bavaria 40 in the Atlantic. 39 500 följare)
  • Pauli Juppi (Creating videos mostly about my all electric sailboat in Finland… building stuff and sailing.. making a better world and dreaming about a living on a bigger boat at latitude less than 60 degrees. 2 980 följare)
  • Practicalboatowner (Practical Boat Owner magazine – UK’s boating magazine – marine advice on sailing and maintaining your yacht or motorboat. 8 930 följare)
  • Project Manaia (Sailing Marine Research Boat Independence is cruising the Mediterranean offering a platform for scientists. 2 560 följare)
  • Ran Sailing (We are a Malin and Johan from Swedish who wanted a different kind of life and sold everything we owned and saving lots of money while living on board our 40-foot custom built aluminium sailboat. 117 000 följare)
  • Resolute Sets Sails (Erik and Meagan stumbled onto a plan… two boats, several uninsured surgeries, countless unforgettable friendships, and a whole lot of work later they, along with their furry companion, Nikka, finally sailed out under the Golden Gate Bridge and turned left and then on to …? Latest video four years old 12 600 följare)
  • Return to Seasons – Sailing (Sailing adventures aboard S/V Bear, our 1987 Tayana 37′. Många instruktionsfilmer om renovering och reparationer. 3 450 följare)
  • Rigging Doctor (We are an artist and dentist living on a Morgan 45 cutter rig with tanbark sails and an electric motor. We are completely self sufficient on board as we sail the waters of the world. 30 500 följare)
  • Royal Yachting Association (Improve your skills, Boat Tours, News and Events, Follow the Action, Enjoy the Fun. Många instruktionsfilmer. 39 700 följare)
  • Safe Sailing  (En Vlog med instruktionsfilmer om allt från sjömanskap till båtbyggnad från Safe sailing Supply)
  • SailAway (We are sailing couple Eric Dove and Loren Dove, 2-year-old Rivers Danger, and trusty boat dog Zeke, sailing aboard a 35′ boat SV Layla. 10 500 följare)
  • Sailboat story (Ben, Tambi, and Molly are a family of 3 that sail the Bahamas aboard their Endeavour 32 sailboat. 22 900 följare)
  • Sailbros (Follow along as we restore an old 1968 Cheoy Lee sailboat. 20 200 följare)
  • Sail Cloudy Bay (A Hallberg Rassy 54 sailing around the world. 17 800 följare)
  • Sail Fanatic ( Tom and Ellen are life-long sailors who presently cruise the waters of New England in their Pearson 31-2. Tom is a licensed captain and ASA-certified sailing instructor. Our channel will provide a mix of how-to videos for both the learning and knowledgeable sailor, boating experiences and places to visit. 6 280 följare)
  • Sail Life (Does DIY boat projects and living aboard a boat sound fun? Come join me! My end goal is to become a full-time cruiser. Många instruktionsvideor.  91 400 följare).
  • Sail Magazine (Tidningen Sails videoblogg med tester och tips. 16 000 följare)
  • Sailoceans (We are a Polish family (Ania, Bartek, Kuba and Julian) traveling the world and sailing across oceans on our floating home, a 15 meter trimaran, as a way of promoting alternative way of life off the grid. 39 400 följare)
  • Sail on Sail Pending (We went from Selling Real Estate to Selling Everything and Sailing Away… without any previous sailing experience!! We are a cruising family of 3, sailing the Caribbean and beyond in our 41′ Fountaine Pajot catamaran. 1 060 följare)
  • Sail Surf ROAM (Sailing around the world on our yacht ROAM, a beautiful 48ft homebuilt catamaran. Watch as Michael, Andy, Liss and Holly sail across oceans, surf hidden waves, mountain bike, kite surf and explore new cultures, 8 310 följare)
  • Sailboat Story (We create vlogs while traveling aboard our minimalistic 32′ sailboat. We’ll share the sea life, travel life, and boat life. 22 900 följare)
  • Sailing A B Sea (The aim here is to document the journey of two mid fifty year olds, who had never set foot on a yacht before taking sailing lessons in Gibraltar in February 2018, buying a yacht is Spain and getting sailing experience in the Med before heading across the Atlantic. 8 390 följare)
  • Sailing Aquarius around the world (We exploring the world on our Aquarius – 53′ Amel Super Maramu 2000 we want to share with you our experience and adventures, 28 000 följare)
  • Sailing Balachandra (In July 2017 we bought a 44 foot sailboat and traveled over 300 nautical miles in the open Atlantic Ocean to our home in Halifax, Nova Scotia where we now live aboard, cruise and document our adventures. 14 800 följare)
  • Sailing Britaly (Chris (British), Rossella (Italian), and baby Emma (Britalian) sail a Bavaria 350 and vblog cruising adventures and share tips and tricks. 28 300 följare)
  • Sailing Britican (We’re a family of three that sold everything we own, purchased a 56′ Oyster sailing yacht and have been sailing around the world since 2014. Sailing tips, sailboat how-to’s, yachting questions answered and our weekly on-going sailing destination episodes including marina and anchorage reviews. 25 900 följare)
  • Sailing Catalpa (We are a young family of 4 that packed up our life and are now cruising South East Asia,  We hope to travel the world. 29 200 följare
  • Sailing Chelsea (We are Ryan, Faye and Poppy the Frenchie. We bought a boat and, with zero sailing experience prior to this trip, are now sailing around the world! 2 080 följare)
  • Sailing Creo (We are Matt & Emma and we sold all of our stuff and bought CREO, a Jeanneau Sun Odyssey 40 in early 2016. We decided to sell CREO 1.0 and bought a Trident Warrior 38 that we are currently upgrading ,CREO 2.0. 13 400 följare)
  • Sailing Doodles (We are currently on a 10 month sail from Vancouver Canada all the way to Thailand with our two full sized Labradoodles. 373 000 följare)
  • Sailing Double trouble (We had no prior sailing experience when we bought out 40ft Fountaine Pajot ‘Lipari 41 Evo’ catamaran ‘Double Trouble. We moved onboard in January 2017 and have been learning ever since. We’re both super keen on protecting our precious environment, so amongst other things, we both follow a plant based diet. 2 070 följare)
  • Sailing Embla (Quitting your job and getting rid of your belongings may not be a good idea at all but that’s what I did to live out my dream of living a more simplistic and fulfilling life on my 33 feet sailboat Embla. As i wanted to see exotic places i decided to sail along the coast of Norway, going north towards the Lofoten peninsula and further towards the arctic. 1 270 följare)
  • Sailing Emerald Steel (We’ve lived off the grid for the last 30 years for no more then poverty wages. We built Emerald Steel and have been living aboard and cruising most of the time since her completion in 1987. 28 200 följare)
  • Sailing Fata Morgana (A family from Bulgaria and Canada sailing around the world on a 38-feet Leopard catamaran. runt 15 500 följare)
  • Sailing Fair Isle (Sailing Fair Isle, a Hans Christian 48,  is aiming to be more than just a vlog showing our travels. It will be a travel log, but also a documentary style show with proper content and broadcast technical standards. 40 300 följare)
  • Sailing Followtheboat (In 2006 we left the rat-race to live on an Oyster 435, the perfect liveaboard cruiser, in Turkey. We moved aboard and have been sailing SY Esper and traveling the world ever since. 55 800 följare
  • Sailing Footloose (A lady solo sailor on her 64 feet steel boat on the way around the world. 2 000 följare)
  • Sailing FreeStyle (FreeStyle is a 1989 MacGregor 26d. Join me as I fix her up and get her back in the water for the first time in over 15 years. 3 970 följare)
  • Sailing Good, Bad and Ugly (Follow us as we liveaboard our sailboat through the good, bad, and ugly! You will watch us try not to kill each other living in such close quarters. You will probably laugh at us through our mistakes. We just want to show how it really is living on a sailboat while travelling. 89 100 följare)
  • Sailing Holly Blue (A British family of 4 who decided in late 2018 to ditch the rat race and leave the suburban life in the UK to take to a life of sailing on the ocean (currently The Greek Islands, and the Mediterranean sea) after buying a 42ft Bavaria yacht with no sailing experience. 6 080 följare)
  • Sailing into Freedom (I am an Australian guy that is sailing where the wind takes me on as small a footprint as I can manage. I invite inexperienced and unusual crew on board that share my way of life. 85 100 följare)
  • Sailing Kawai ( Jason and Tracey traded their house, cars, business, job and security for freedom, adventure, travel and living simply amongst nature and the seas on their 45 foot sailing boat, Kawai. In the Med and beyond. 7 970 följare)
  • Sailing Kejstral Adventure (Originally from the UK, we now spend most of our days living and exploring the beautiful and sunny climate of Turkey aboard Kejstral, our Jeanneau Sun Odyssey 36i. 3 440 följare
  • Sailing Kittiwake (We’re Elena and Ryan. We quit our jobs to move onto our sailboat Kittiwake and sail the world. Kittiwake is a 26ft Heavenly Twins catamaran. We cruise her on a budget, while working freelance. 49 100 följare)
  • Sailing La Vagabond (We are an Australian couple with the dream of circumnavigating the globe by sail boat… initially having no clue of how to sail. We have now sailed  across many oceans in presently a catamaran. 1 560 000 följare)
  • Sailing Lady Africa (We are a couple from South Africa who decided to buy a old 1991 36.5ft Dean Catamaran, do a complete refit on her and sail the world. 24 500 följare)
  • Sailing Magic Carpet (Maya and Aladino restore a shipwreck named Magic Carpet. We then sail around the world with her. 94 200 följare)
  • Sailing Millennial Falcon (Khiara and I (Adam) are from Melbourne, Australia. We bought the Millennial Falcon, a 1981 Tayana 42, in Florida in of 2018 and have been repairing her in many weird and wonderful places ever since! 64 200 följare)
  • Sailing Miss Lone Star ( Be Inspired, challenged and ready to embark on the journey of a lifetime as we showcase this and broadcast it for all to see. 141 000 följare)
  • Sailing Moksha (A man battling a terminal cancer decides to sell everything he has and move onto a sailboat with his family. It’s not the easiest physically for him but it’s good for his soul and for his family who are there every step of the way to help this dream come true. They live a “simpler”, closer, more fulfilling life than ever before. 1 620 följare)
  • Sailing Moxie (Join us for sailing adventures aboard Moxie, a Hunter 54 sailboat, as we refit the boat from start to finish and share our adventures. 2 770 följare)
  • Sailing Nahoa (We poke into some the worlds least travelled corners. We live off the ocean when we can. Experience new cultures and sail vast distances without seeing land. This is our recipe for Life. Perhaps it will inspire you. 312  000 följare)
  • Sailing Nala (We are going to introduce you to a less conventional and more sensational way of traveling because Life is three days: one day to get amazed, another to live your life, and the last one to tell your story. 1 100 följare
  • Sailing Nandji – Frothlyfe (We bought Nandji. a Roberts 40 sloop cutter rigged. We love everythin to do with the ocean. Follow us in learning how to sail whilst exploring the coast of Australia and the South West Pacific Islands, 114 000 följare)
  • Sailing News (We cover all the major sailing events: America’s Cup, Volvo Ocean Race, Vendée Globe, World Match Racing Tour and many more. We help you discover new places. SailingNews TV channel also features boat tests, practical video guides and interviews with sailors. 21 200 följare)
  • Sailing Nikau (We are a family of 5 sailing on our boat named Nikau. Our 3 kids are doing NZ correspondence school on board. We’ve sailed most of the Mediterranean and now on our way over the Atlantic to explore the Caribian. 10 500 följare)
  • Sailing Ocean Fox (Ett par som seglar en katamaran i Medelhavet. 14 200 följare)
  • Sailing Parlay Revival (After working on super yachts as a chief engineer, I spend my life savings on a Lagoon 450 catamaran, damaged by Hurricane Irma. Follow their adventures throughout the Caribbean and on towards the Pacific! 127 000 följare)
  • Sailing Pau Hana (a video blog of our journey to purchase a sailboat, retire, live-aboard and sail the world. 1 540 följare)
  • Sailing Project Atticus (We spent 3 years fixing up our 30 foot sailboat, “Atticus” and now we’re finally sailing around the world on a budget and working along the way to make ends meet. 214 000 följare)
  • Sailing Satori (We are Nick and Kelly, two people with a spirit for adventure. We travel the world with our dog Arthur aboard our 44’ sailboat. 45 500 följare)
  • Sailing Seatramp (We, Mario and Nina saved up, bought a boat, quit our jobs and said goodbye to life behind a desk. In May 2017 we left the safe harbor and started our new life on our Bavaria 46 Seatramp. 8 460 följare)
  • Sailing Sisu (Frik and Petro decided to quit our good jobs and sold everything and bought a Leopard 45 Catamaran called Sisu. We will provide you good with reviews on places and restaurants we find off the beaten tack on our journey! We want to contribute to the body of knowledge and entertained you on the way! 12 400 följare)
  • Sailing Soulianis (We escaped the traditional 9-to-5 life, sold our belongings, and left an California lifestyle in search of what lies beyond the horizon. We’ve spent the last 10 years preparing our lives to set sail. Join us on our journey. 95 200 följare)
  • Sailing Southern Cross (sailing on the Pacific Ocean and eventually moving full time onto her to sail the world. Southern Cross is a 1983 O’Day 39. 5 260 följare)
  • Sailing Starship Friendship (We live aboard our catamaran and sail the world—ON CAMERA! Our goal is to deliver a quality sailing series, promoting friendship, celebrating love, and exploring the best sailing life has to offer. 12 400 följare)
  • Sailing SV Bora Bora (The adventures of a British couple living aboard their first boat, a 1974 Victory 40. Follow us as we leave the UK and head south, learning along the way, and see what it’s really like living afloat. 22 900 följare)
  • Sailing SV Compromise (We are a family filming the whole process of learning to sail and taking our RYA day skipper courses. Our plan is to have a couple of years sailing the Mediterranean before crossing the Atlantic to the Caribbean and America before crossing the Pacific to New Zealand and Australia. 4 180 följare)
  • Sailing SV Delos (This is our story, a story of three souls sailing around the world. It is a story about sailing and travel and adventure. But it’s also a story about meeting amazing people and making life long friends on an Amel. 683 000 följare)
  • Sailing SV Happy Together (Lennie and Randy are living the sailing dream one week at a time. Our channel is about having fun while still working and enjoying the cruising lifestyle onboard a catamaran. 23 100 följare)
  • Sailing SV Sarean (We are a couple who live an alternative life – a life at sea. We love sailing, we love exploring, meeting amazing people, experiencing new cultures – and we have a tonne of knowledge to share. Follow our story as we sail around the world. 14 400 följare)
  • Sailing Tangaroa (James & Hannah live on board our 37ft James Wharram Catamaran Tangaroa (The Tanga), sailing around Australia. They Surf, Dive, Sail and just froth out being in nature. 16 400 följare)
  • Sailing The Sea Bear (The Sea Bear, our home and life support system, is a 1985 C&C Landfall 39. Shawn a retired US Navy EOD technician and Phil a US Army Infantryman. Plan cruising mainly US west coast and Alaska. 1 590 följare)
  • Sailing the space between (We are a couple of adventure seekers (and Dave Matthews Band fans) who had a dream and set a goal to purchase a sailing catamaran to charter in January 2017. We have documented the journey and in 8 months we sold (almost) all the toys, obtained all the necessary credentials and purchased a Leopard 46 Catamaran. 8 890 följare)
  • Sailing Today (Sailing Today is a sailing magazine by sailors for sailors. We test all the new launches and explore the world’s best cruising grounds. 2 950 följare)
  • Sailing Tranquilo (In May 2017 we set sail for a voyage around the world. Join us and our yacht Tranquilo as we prepare for our trip and then sail across the oceans! 15 700 följare)
  • Sailing Tranquility Bay (We are currently refitting our 38′ custom aluminum sloop so that we can adventure to higher latitudes with better attitudes. 2 370 följare)
  • Sailing Trio Travels (In 2015 we decided to sell almost everything we had in search of a simpler life living on a catamaran. We chose to school our son Cole ourselves taking in adventures every chance we get and loving the life ever since. 67 900 följare)
  • Sailing trip family (A french family who decided to change his life. In 2014 we decided to sell our house and to buy a sail boat to circumnavigate the world. We didn’t have any sailing experience and we started to sail during few month on 30ft mono hull sail boat. Then we bought a 40ft Catamaran, 2 990 följare)
  • Sailing Uma (Sailing the World onboard a Pearson 36. One country at a time. One project at a time. Creating videos of our journey, adventures, life on board, and lessons learned along the way. 328 000 följare)
  • Sailing Vessel Adventurer (We sold everything, quit our jobs, and on May 31, 2014 left for good. We are planning on seeing the world, one country at a time. Brenda and Jeff   sail a 1982 Cooper 416 in their journey to see the world. 10 900 följare)
  • Sailing Vessel Prism (Follow the the crew Shannon and Jon as they sail their Hans Christian 33 sailboat to Mexico and beyond! 25 900 följare)
  • Sailing Yacht Florence (We are Matt and Amy, join us as we sail around the world on our 37ft yacht, sharing our journey along the way. 68 500 följare)
  • Sailing Yacht Ruby Rose (Vi sålde upp, rehoused katterna (det var en sådan skiftnyckel vi älskade de katterna) och flyttade på en båt. Vi lämnade London, seglade Europas västkust och hela vägen till Kanarieöarna. Vi seglade över oceaner och har nu båten i Antigua. Vi reser runt om i världen och skriver och filmar våra äventyr. 132 000 följare)
  • Sailing Yacht Talisman (We’re sailing couple Wendy and Kevin, and we traded in our fully restored Catalina C-22 for a much more robust Oyster 485. 15 000 följare)
  • Sailing Yacht Zora (Zora is a 38 foot steel blue water cruiser that was burnt and abandoned some 20 years ago. She was designed and built by the legendary Dick Koopman of Holland.  Join us a we breath new life in this legendary cruiser and take her out in the big blue oceans. En del instruktionsfilmer. 16 500 följare)
  • Sailing Zatara (With no prior sailing experience, we sold our suburban Texas home in 2016 and bought a Beneteau Oceanis 55′. With four kids in tow, we sailed l from Florida  to Australia within a time span of one year. Our second year of sailing will be in a 58′ Privilege catamaran, and we hope to travel the rest of the globe. 371 000 följare)
  • Sailing Zephyr (We take the leap and buy a hurricane damaged boat in the BVI’s. We sell everything we own, pack up our lives and fly to the BVI’s where we move aboard our sailboat Zephyr! 16 500 följare)
  • Sailing Zero (Come aboard and drift into another adventure with us on ZERO, our 1974 build Hudson Force 50. t´s not only that we cut all lines from our former life in Germany and sail the world, it´s about finding the right way to live our lives. 30 000 följare)
  • Sailing Zingaro (After shipwrecking in a storm 100nm off the coast of Hawaii Captain James is currently documenting live-aboard life during the refit of the Oyster 485. . 104 000 följare)
  • Sail Ocean (Adventures of Ania and Bartek with two little kids sailing across oceans on a 15 meter trimaran, Poly, as a way of promoting alternative way of life off the grid. 39 500 följare
  • Sailorama (Robinson and Justine are sailing the seas and living simply. We sailed tiny Maiweh, a C&C 24, down the Pacific Coast, and then restored our new 33 foot Bayliner Buccaneer, Rossa, in San Francisco. We are now sailing South! 7 690 följare)
  • Sailors and dogs ( Maik is an experienced sailor from Germany. Michelle is a Southern journalist from Sweet Home Alabama. We are sailing around the world together with our two cool Beagles – Cap’n Jack Sparrow and Scout. 2 490 följare)
  • Sailrite (At Sailrite, we’re a passionate crew of do-it-yourselfers who strive to equip and empower others to DIY for their own boats and homes. We equip you by being a one-stop retailer for fabric, tools, hardware, sewing supplies and even our own brand of Sailrite sewing machines to get the job done. Många tips för hur man syr ombord, 303 000 följare)
  • Salt and tar (Salt & Tar is a husband and wife duo determined to build a 35 foot custom George Buehler designed wooden gaff ketch sailboat; documenting their undertaking. 61 500 följare)
  • Saltwest Co sailing (Saltwest Co is a sailing and travelling lifestyle channel that follows Josh and Morgan as they make a 42′ Custom Steel Bruce Robert’s sailboat their new home and begin their sailing adventures in the Pacific Northwest.)
  • Salty Olives (A retired couple, Tom and Cathy Olive, as we go from working land lubbers to retired sailors! The journey to “paradise”, from knowing almost nothing about sailing to hopefully becoming experienced sailors. 286 följare)
  • Sam Holmes Sailing (Posting videos as I sail around the world finding new places to hike and paraglide. 75 600 följare)
  • Samingo Sailing (A Single-Handed Sailor’s Videos. James Tomlinson and Westerly Typhoon ‘Talisker 1’. 5 390 följare)
  • Sampson Boat Co (’m on a mission to rebuild a 107-year old English sailing yacht called Tally Ho. Designed by Albert Strange in 1909. 306 000 följare)
  • Sea Change (In 2015 three men and a little dog left their old lives behind to set out on a round-the-world trip on 44 foot sailboat Cool Change. 25 500 följare)
  • Seth Hynes (We hope you enjoy our adventure as much as we hope to do ourselves. We’re departing Cape Cod this September and will follow a similar route to the Caribbean and beyond on our catamaran. 57 200 följare)
  • Shaggy Seas (We’re pursuing a life filled with our passions. For us, it happens to include two adorable dogs, each other, and exploring this beautiful planet, how to live with less, travel more, and share the journey with all of you. 18 700 följare)
  • Skipper james Sigma 33 (A channel filled with adventures from the ocean to the mountains. This channel is to show people that the normal guy/girl can live a life of adventure regardless to were they came from in life it’s not about money are being fancy, 1 330 följare)
  • Slow Boat Sailing (We are sailing around the world part-time and are 1/4-of-the-way around the world from our home port of New Orleans in the South Pacific. 10 600 följare)
  • Spoondrifters (We are a budget conscious family of six from Alaska who decided to buy a hurricane damaged sailboat, fix it up, and sail around the world. We are doing the refit ourselves, learning as we go. 10 500 följare)
  • Steel Boat Adventures (Renoveringen av en motorbåt, Brupeg,  i stål som legat på botten av havet och som renoveras. Flera instruktionsfilmer. 35 200 följare)
  • Sundowner Sails Again (We quit our jobs and have been travelling the world since January 2015. Our trip is self financed through many years of hard work. Currently we are in year 3 of our sabbatical and are back aboard Sundowner our Westsail 32 in Panama. Last video posted four years ago. 7 380 följare)
  • SV DreamChaser (What is it like to live aboard a sailboat full time?  We’re a regular working, refitting, sailing and fun. Först en Gulfstar 43 och nu en Formosa 51. En del instruktionsfilmer 6 000 följare)
  •  SV Impavidus (We are Anthony & Cindy. In June 2018 we sold everything to sail around the world on our modified Bavaria 37. First season the Mediterranean. Our two doggies Oscar George and Lady Rose are sailing with us. 4 910 följare)
  • SV Panope (En kanal som specialiserat sig på att testa ankare. 5 180 följare
  • SV Ramble on (We are Jeni & Rich VanDusen, a couple of newbie do-it-yourselfer liveaboards and future travelers. A few years ago we sold everything and bought an old (but sturdy) Tayana 37 sailboat. We’ve been living aboard since September 2013 all while doing MAJOR work on the boat and working full-time. 2 700 följare)
  • SV RockChalk (The refit and Sailing of the boat S/v RockChalk (a Morgan Outislander) and her trips, mainly around the Caribbean)
  • SV SeaWolf Sailing (We are a young couple documenting our journey around the Caribbean and beyond so we can inspire others to do the same. Last video posted two years ago. 6 960 följare)
  • SV Seeker (From ROV to submarines to building a 74ft steel origami junk rigged motorsailer in our front yard. …and living the dream. 190 000 följare)
  • SV Tapatya (I’m Tony and this is the story of the build from scratch of a Jay Benford designed, 31.8 ft junk-rigged schooner sailing dory. The videos will trace the construction of this cruising sailboat from the first concepts through to the completion of the build, 6 030 följare)
  • SV Velocir (Albin Vega 27 Velocir is home to the Captains Howerton. We are a young couple navigating cruising lifestyle as we sail throughout warm waters. 5 400 följare)
  • Svenska Kryssarklubben (SXK:s officiella Youtube-kanal med många inspelade föredrag ( bl a mitt om att segla bortom horisonten). 848 följare)
  • S/Y Sea Wind (Ett svensk par som seglat till Grönland och nu är på väg till Patagonien och Antarktisk. 111 följare
  • Taking the chance sailing (After each suffering serious near death traumas the decision was made to “sell everything” and explore the world on a sailing yacht. Not having ever sailed before, no idea how or where to start, its been a challenge to say the least. We hope you can join us aboard and share the adventure with us. 4 100 följare)
  • Teresa and Ben Carey (All about Sailing, Simplicity & the Pursuit of Happiness w/ Teresa Carey & Ben Eriksen. Sailing adventures aboard a Nor’sea 27, a Bristol Channel Cutter 28, and now a Norseman 447. 11 100 följare)
  • The adventures of Tarka (Without any sailing experience, and on a small budget, I quit my job to sail a tiny 27-foot sailboat, a Vega, named Tarka around the world. 34 900 följare)
  • The Daley Adventure (We’re a British couple who met and fell in love in the amazing city of Dubai. We decided to follow our dreams and sold up for an adventure at sea in our 45’ catamaran and are currently sailing around the world. 12 900 följare)
  • The Geordie, the Witch and the Wench (Australia’s most experienced drone pilot and photographer, sailor of oceans and adventure-seeker, Simon Jardine, has joined forces with the creative likes of performer Eryn Wright, in an epic voyage of boat restoration and swashbuckling on the high seas! Come join our adventures on board our 1958 Baltic Danish Cutter “Narhval”. 12 900 följare)
  • The Sailing Channel.TV (TheSailingChannel productions cover the gear, the people, the skills, and the places that interest cruising sailors. We distribute sailing destination documentaries, how-to videos, and video cruising guides. 15 600 följare)
  • The sailing family ( We are Vita, Alina, Suu & Klaus. We bought a 26 feet sailboat and started sailing in Greece and Italy for the first time. As we realized that 26 feet is too small for us we sold the yacht and bought a bigger sailing vessel in Panama. In July 2017 we started again to discover Central America, the Caribbean Islands, Florida and then we will see. 15 600 följare)
  • The Sailing Family (We are a family of five sailing around the world on our “dream boat,” a performance catamaran named “Archer!”  Ten years ago, before kids, we sailed a Lagoon 380 named “Honeymoon” halfway around the world from the East Coast of the US to Sydney, Australia. 57 300 följare)
  • The Sailing Frenchman (From the refit to sailing adventures, follow The Sailing Frenchman around the globe. 117 000 följare)
  • The World Sailing Show (Provides a monthly view of the racing world. 54 400 följare)
  • Through the Portlight (Join us, James & Angela, and take a glimpse into our lives aboard our Westsail 32 sailboat. We will feature the joys and challenges of living aboard, the ongoing projects, our plans and goals, and little adventures. 3 320 följare)
  • Tight Little Tribe Sailing (n 2013, when our daughter was one year old, a lot of people seemed to like to tell us our days of adventure had passed. Well, we bought a 37 ft. sailboat and moved aboard. 782 följare)
  • Tips from a Shipwright (Tips from a Shipwright is an open-source of high quality videos for classic wooden boat builders and sailing enthusiasts.The videos are produced by Halsey Fulton and feature Master Shipwright Louis Sauzedde. 160 000 följare)
  • Total Boat (TotalBoat by Jamestown Distributors is the product of years of research with boat building professionals and DIY boaters. 24 500 följare)
  • Tulas Endless Summer (Billy, Sierra, and Jetty here living and traveling aboard our 1988 Crowther catamaran “Adrenaline”. We live a healthy, active, and adventurous life on the water and we would love it if you came along our journey with us!. 143 000 följare)
  • Two Afloat Sailing (Come aboard Naoma and join our adventures in some of the most beautiful, isolated, and wild places in the Pacific Ocean onboard Naoma, a 1988 Ericson 38-200 sailboat. 18 600 följare)
  • Two aboard Tuuli (Step aboard Tuuli, which is the Finnish word for wind. More importantly, it’s the name of our yacht. Join us in preparing our sailboat for long term cruising and all of life’s little sailing adventures in between. Last video published three years ago. 2 860 följare)
  • Two the Horizon Sailing (Two salty sailors living aboard their Passport 42 sailboat in San Francisco Bay as they prepare to set sail. Follow us as we prepare to set sail to warmer waters! 774 följare)
  • Venture Lives (Living on a sailboat and cruising the Inside Passage in Alaska. We plan to sail and explore the world by our sailboat, a 1979 Cal 31. 14 100 följare)
  • Vet Tail’s Sailing Chuffed (Follow our Adventures as we sail away and save animals all over the World!!! Join Dr Sheddy and Cpt Joel as they navigate the oceans and provide free veterinary care for animals from aboard SV Chuffed. 19 900 följare)
  • Voyages of Agape (We are Josh and Rachel, and we are setting off on a five year trip around the world on a sailboat named Agape, a 1984, 42ft Tayana. 2 220 följare)
  • Walde Sailing (Married for 7 years and being itchy for adventure for most of those, we put our businesses on hold, sold our house and nearly all that we own and bought a sail boat! 13 900 följare)
  • Wayne Canning (I started this channel to help provide quality information to boaters. Tre delar. En om renoveringen av båten ZEN, en om hur det är att leva ombord och en om att segla till nya platser. 6 980 följare)
  • Wayward Life Sailing (We are currently living on Vancouver Island on our 32 ft Ontario Sailboat, with our puppy dog Max. Our videos show you our sailing adventures both above and below the water and our travel adventures. Emphasis on sustainability, ethical travel, nature and living with the smallest environmental footprint we can without going insane. 1 370 följare)
  • West Marine (Marinaffärens Vlog med många instruktionsfilmer. 21 700 följare)
  • WhiteSpotPirates (The purpose of WhiteSpotPirates (WSP) is to bring people one step closer to putting their own dreams into reality, to build up a community that inspires and supports each other. The weekly video documentation “Untie The Lines” is WSP’s first project. It is about a young woman who bought an old sailing boat in Panama and wants to try and sail the word. Future plans of WSP are to feature different stories of a wide range of “Pirates”. 86 900 följare)
  • Wicked Salty (Sailing adventures with Wes, Kate and the salty dog Lola. Parity is a 1983 Ericson 30′ we bought off craigslist to sail to the Bahamas. 51 700 följare)
  • Wildlings (Welcome to our little YouTube Channel, where we’ll document everything that happens in whats going to be the most exciting year of our lives yet. 31 300 följare)
  • Wildly Intrepid Sailing (Join our Sailing Adventure as we prepare our sailboat to head South, chasing the endless summer on a shoestring budget.  2 990 följare)
  • Winded Voyage (My name is Alex, and at 55, I’ve left my home in Europe and off on my Winded Voyage. Follow me from the beginning when I look for a boat to boarding my 40ft.Jeanneau Sun Fizz to sail around the world. 19 700 följare)
  • WindHippieSailing Holly Martin (Ok, so I’m single-handing through the Caribbean and making videos about it. BUT, I’m not here to tell you how to tie a bowline, or to show off my rolls in a bikini. I’m just a socially awkward 27-year-old on a 27 foot boat starting my circumnavigation. 44 200 följare)
  • Worldcruising (World Cruising Club are the leading organizer of sailing rallies. This site is a resource for anyone wanting information on sailing offshore, 1 240 följare)
  • Yacht TV (Tyska tidningen Yachts officiella Youtube-kanal, tyska. 59 600 följare)
  • Yachting Monthly (Yachting Monthly YouTube-kanal med tester och tips. 53 700 följare)
  • Yachting World (Yachting World YouTube-kanal med tester och tips. 118 000 följare)

Views: 321
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